Reasons Why You Should Renovate Your Bathroom During This New Year

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Reasons Why You Should Renovate Your Bathroom During This New Year

Among the many resolutions that you may have prepared for this New Year, have you considered saving money and adding comfort to your home? Giving your home a touch-up is an excellent way of supplementing those New Year resolutions that involve losing weight and eating healthy.

And if there is a part of your home that you should consider renovating, it's your bathroom. Giving your bathroom a facelift will result in cost savings and increased comfort while you're at home. This article will show you how.

1. New fixtures will help you save on water consumption

You'd be surprised just how much water a leaking faucet can waste in a single day. If your bathroom is old and damaged, you may be spending much more than you would by investing in a renovation project.

Leaking faucets and damaged toilets will not only drive up your water bill, but they may also result in damage to your floors and walls. Start off the New Year on the right foot by taking better care of your home. 

2. Eliminate blocked drainage problems

Renovating your bathroom is also the best way to address drainage issues in your home. You may have been struggling with a slow-flushing toilet or a clogged shower drain for years. With a bathroom renovation, you will have all drains repaired/replaced so as to fit your new bathroom fixtures.

Renovation also helps you minimise damage to your main drainage pipes (as replacing your pipes can be quite costly).

3. A new shower head will keep your family cleaner

There's also a lot to be excited about during a bathroom renovation. For example, you can install a new shower head that releases more hot water and keeps the entire family cleaner. If your previous shower head was old and clogged, investing in a new one will make you excited to hop in after a long day at work. 

4. You can install a modern toilet

Leaking toilets may be draining you of lots of money in utility bills. With a bathroom renovation, you can install a modern, efficient toilet. These toilets use less water per flush, are less prone to blockage and last for much longer before becoming damaged. You'll be surprised to find out just how much you can save with an efficient toilet. Some studies have found that old and damaged toilets leak as much as 750 litres per day. A new toilet will put you on the path towards significant water savings.

Contact plumbers in your area to learn more.

422 Words

About Me

Installing a New Hot Water System in Your Home Hello! My name is Carl. I live in the city of Sydney, Australia. I recently moved into an older property which has many period features. Unfortunately, it also had a period hot water system. This hot water system was so old, it barely functioned at all. I soon got tired of taking cold showers in the morning so I decided to call in a plumber. He did a great job of installing a modern hot water system which now means I can enjoy a steaming hot shower every morning. I'm that impressed with his work, I decided to learn more about plumbing and start a blog.

